India's top diplomat points to 'new phase' in Japan defense ties
Jaishankar weighs in on awkward relations with China, Pakistan, Maldives
Government and garment makers aim to catch green wave to boost competitiveness
Party donations have surged behind veil of anonymity
New government faces fierce opposition from Imran Khan's allies after rocky polls
New Delhi ends free cross-border movement as suspicion swirls in strife-torn Manipur
Western sanctions have failed to hobble Russian economy
Coalition poised to elect Shehbaz Sharif as PM amid fight over seat allocations
Tariff-free status of streaming and other e-services up for debate again in Abu Dhabi
Tehran should focus on frontier security rather than rely on cross-border strikes
Modi government denies abuse allegations months before national elections
Taliban official tells media personnel to focus on growing beards
'A strong industrial base is a deterrent' as China presents 'pacing threat'
'Inexperienced' politician takes high-stakes role atop most populous province
Critics fear Nicobar development will wipe out forests and indigenous tribes
Your weekly lineup of Asia's biggest business and political events
Property prices soar as Modi's Hindu nationalism drives infrastructure buildups
After office seized, 83-year-old widely seen as target of political vendetta
Defiant votes for Imran Khan's PTI reflect resentment of military interference
Power-sharing deal ends deadlock as PML-N and PPP face treacherous task of governing
Research vessel at Male after departure from Xiamen over a month ago
Divergence in priorities will leave country marginalized in rich-nation club
Search engine giant joins Apple, Samsung in tapping big South Asian market
Despite PM's dithering, empowered local governments delivered effective help
Pressure builds as war rages next door, U.N. appeals on humanitarian grounds
Shehbaz Sharif slated to be PM, with Asif Ali Zardari a candidate for president
Nikkei Asian Review, now known as Nikkei Asia, will be the voice of the Asian Century.